Upcoming talk of the APSE lecture series, delivered by
Laura Caponetto (University of Milan)
Refusing — and refusing to obey
When/Where: Thursdays, 3-5 pm, HS 3A (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7).
Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistomology Talk Series: A series of talks organized by APSE (Department of Philosophy). More information here: https://apse.univie.ac.at/news-events/detailsansicht/news/apse-lecture-series-wise-202425/
NEW: accompanying Reading Cycle
in addition to the APSE talk by Laura Caponetto (University of Milan) "Refusing - and refusing to obey" we want to kindly invite you to our accompanying Reading Circle. It will take place right before the talk in the same room, so:
Thursday, 16.01.2025, 1-3 pm, HS 3A
We will focus our discussion on the text: Caponetto, L. (2023) "The pragmatic structure of refusal" Synthese 201:187.
As introduction to the field, we suggest: Green, M. (2020) . Speech acts. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Fall 2021 Edition). plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2021/entries/speech-acts/
Upcoming talks:
- 23.01.25 Stephan Hartmann (LMU): (title tba)
- 30.01.25 Igor Grabovac (MedUni Wien): From Pandoras Box to Pandoras Hope: Opening the Lid on Transdisciplinary Work in Public Health