Next presentations in the Work-In-Progress series will be given by
Kanau Kobayashi and Ali Emre Benli
"'Im Namen von ...' Über die Gründungsdimension des Rechts mit Blick auf die Subjektkonstitution. Psychoanalyse und Recht in Pierre Legendres politischer Philosophie" by Kanau Kobayashi
"How democratic should democracy seeking agents be in electoral authoritarian regimes?" by Ali Emre Benli
The meeting will take place in lecture hall 3A (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 3rd floor) at 17:00 and will last up to 18:30. All are invited to join us for dinner or drinks afterwards. If possible, please let us know in advance by email.
You can write to if you have any questions or would like to present for the Work-in-Progress series. Calendar and event information can be found at: