The Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna is large in international comparison and supported by the multifaceted expertise of its staff members. We feel compelled to offer a range of courses reflecting the breadth of the field of philosophy while also upholding high standards within each specialized subject area. Learn more about the department >



The MEi:CogSci Conference 2024 took place on June 13 -15, 2024 in Bratislava. The proceedings are published at our department


The Fifteenth Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science


Deadline: 30.06.2024


Philosophy and Ethics in School and Society: School and University think together

The event is opened to the interested public; 21.6.2024 und 27.9.2024


Monday-Friday, 4.3.-8.3.2024 and (Almost) Every Monday, 15:00-19:00


Sommersemester 2024; Di 18:30 HS3A


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