The Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna is large in international comparison and supported by the multifaceted expertise of its staff members. We feel compelled to offer a range of courses reflecting the breadth of the field of philosophy while also upholding high standards within each specialized subject area. Learn more about the department >



Call for Registration

February 15-17, 2023


Submission of papers for ECAP 11 is now open


Recording of The Online Lecture organised with Annette Schellenberg, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät

October 14th 2022, 16:00-17:30


Philosophin und Bibliothekarin. Biografische Spuren eines Frauenlebens zwischen Aufbruch und Resignation.


Uni Wien Talk:(Un)zumutbar? Teuerung, Verzicht & Fairness

Was uns kollektiv zugemutet werden kann und wie wir individuell damit umgehen.


"Wenn ich möchte, dass du für mich bei einem politischen Kampf einstehst, dann muss ich in der ersten Reihe stehen, um für dich zu kämpfen." (Frei...


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Logic Café colloquium meetings, Summer term 2025
On the Cass Review: A Philosophy of Science Perspective - Trans*formations Series
12 13 14 15 16
Logic Café colloquium meetings, Summer term 2025
Amie Thomasson, "Starting a step back: Functional Pluralism and the Work of Metaphysics" - PACE/KiC Metaphilosophical Talk Series
19 20 21
Wittgen=steine: Anna Boncompagni
22 23
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APSE Lecture Series WiSe 2024/25: Igor Grabovac
28 29 30
Logic Café colloquium meetings, Summer term 2025
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