Mag. Dr. Erik M. Vogt, Privatdoz.
Summer term 2025
Vogt, EM 2021, Engaging Contemporary Ideology with Mario Perniola, Slavoj Zizek and Robert Pfaller. in Open Borders: Encounters Between Italian Philosophy and Continental Thought. State University of New York Press (SUNY Press), Albany, NY, pp. 177 - 198.

Vogt, EM 2021, 'Estetika kit ecses', Borec, no. LXXII, pp. 204-214.

Vogt, EM 2021, Who's Afraid of Globalization? in I López (ed.), Aftershocks: Globalism and the Future of Democracy. University of Zaragoza Press, Zaragoza, pp. 124 - 134.

Vogt, EM & Manfe, M (ed.) 2020, Jacques Ranciere und die Literatur. Turia & Kant, Wien - Berlin.

Vogt, EM 2020, On Shoe Makers and Related Matters: Ranciere and Badiou on Richard Wagner. in JP Cachopo, P Nickleson & C Stover (eds), Ranciere and Music. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 312 - 333.

Vogt, EM 2020, Politik der (engagierten) Literatur - noch eine Anstrengung. in E Vogt & M Manfé (eds), Jacques Rancière und die Literatur. Turia & Kant, Wien - Berlin, pp. 152 - 175.

Vogt, EM 2019, The Excess of Aesthetics in Jacques Ranciere und Mario Perniola. in Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics. University of Belgrade, Belgrade, pp. 615 - 623.

Vogt, EM 2019, Zu Mario Perniolas Durchquerung der sensologischen Gesellschaft. in B Liebsch (ed.), Sensibilität der Gegenwart: Wahrnehmung, Ethik und politische Sensibilisierung im Kontext westlicher Gewaltgeschichte. Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, pp. 213 - 234.

Vogt, EM 2017, Revisiting the question of Humanism in Jean-Paul Sartre and Frantz Fanon. in A Oberprantacher (ed.), Mensch sein - Fundament, Imperativ oder Floskel?: Beiträge zum 10. Internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Innsbruck. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, pp. 253-263.

Vogt, EM 2017, The Philosophy and Politics of Slavoj Zizek. in B van der Steen & M de Kesel (eds), Party, State, Revolution: Critical reflections on Zizek's Political Philosophy. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, pp. 37 - 66.

Vogt, EM 2017, Zizeks immoralische Ethik - eine Apologie. in M Manfe (ed.), Das Immoralische. Avinus, Hamburg, pp. 117 - 148.

Crawford, R & Vogt, EM (eds) 2016, Adorno and the Concept of Genocide. Value inquiry book series, vol. 291: Holocaust and genocide studies, Brill Rodopi, Leiden/Boston.

Vogt, EM 2016, Europa: Politik der Gestalt und/oder Politik des Universalen? in G Unterthurner & E Vogt (eds), Bruchlinien Europas: philosophische Erkundungen bei Badiou, Adorno, Žižek und anderen . Turia & Kant, Wien - Berlin, pp. 10 - 44.

Vogt, EM 2016, The Useless Residue of the Western Idea of Art: Adorno and Lacoue-Labarthe Concerning Art After Auschwitz. in R Crawford & E Vogt (eds), Adorno and the Concept of Genocide. Brill, Amsterdam - Boston, pp. 29 - 45.

Vogt, EM 2015, The Saturation of Aesthetics and the Recommencement of Great Art. in L Bieszczad (ed.), Practising Aesthetics. Wydawnictwo Libron , Krakow, pp. 33 - 42.

Department of Philosophy

Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien