Mag. Dr. Erik M. Vogt, Privatdoz.
Summer term 2025
180056 SE Philosophy and the Holocaust
Summer term 2024
Vogt, EM 2021, Engaging Contemporary Ideology with Mario Perniola, Slavoj Zizek and Robert Pfaller. in Open Borders: Encounters Between Italian Philosophy and Continental Thought. State University of New York Press (SUNY Press), Albany, NY, pp. 177 - 198.
Vogt, EM 2021, Who's Afraid of Globalization? in I López (ed.), Aftershocks: Globalism and the Future of Democracy. University of Zaragoza Press, Zaragoza, pp. 124 - 134.
Vogt, EM 2020, 'A Plea for Reinstituting the Symbolcic Order', Ágalma : rivista di studi culturali e di estetica, no. 40, pp. 102 -111.
Vogt, EM & Manfe, M (ed.) 2020, Jacques Ranciere und die Literatur. Turia & Kant, Wien - Berlin.
Vogt, EM 2020, On Shoe Makers and Related Matters: Ranciere and Badiou on Richard Wagner. in JP Cachopo, P Nickleson & C Stover (eds), Ranciere and Music. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 312 - 333.
Vogt, EM 2020, Politik der (engagierten) Literatur - noch eine Anstrengung. in E Vogt & M Manfé (eds), Jacques Rancière und die Literatur. Turia & Kant, Wien - Berlin, pp. 152 - 175.
Vogt, EM 2019, 'Aesthetics qua Excess', Art + Media: Journal of Art and Media Studies, no. 20, pp. 1 - 10.
Vogt, EM 2019, The Excess of Aesthetics in Jacques Ranciere und Mario Perniola. in Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics. University of Belgrade, Belgrade, pp. 615 - 623.
Vogt, EM 2019, Zu Mario Perniolas Durchquerung der sensologischen Gesellschaft. in B Liebsch (ed.), Sensibilität der Gegenwart: Wahrnehmung, Ethik und politische Sensibilisierung im Kontext westlicher Gewaltgeschichte. Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, pp. 213 - 234.
Vogt, EM 2019, Zwischen Sensologie und ästhetischem Dissens: Essays zu Mario Perniola und Jacques Rancière. Turia & Kant, Wien - Berlin.
Vogt, EM 2017, Revisiting the question of Humanism in Jean-Paul Sartre and Frantz Fanon. in A Oberprantacher (ed.), Mensch sein - Fundament, Imperativ oder Floskel?: Beiträge zum 10. Internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Innsbruck. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, pp. 253-263.
Vogt, EM 2017, The Philosophy and Politics of Slavoj Zizek. in B van der Steen & M de Kesel (eds), Party, State, Revolution: Critical reflections on Zizek's Political Philosophy. Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, pp. 37 - 66.
Vogt, EM 2017, Zizeks immoralische Ethik - eine Apologie. in M Manfe (ed.), Das Immoralische. Avinus, Hamburg, pp. 117 - 148.
Crawford, R & Vogt, EM (eds) 2016, Adorno and the Concept of Genocide. Value inquiry book series, vol. 291: Holocaust and genocide studies, Brill Rodopi, Leiden/Boston.
Unterthurner, G & Vogt, EM (eds) 2016, Bruchlinien Europas: Philosophische Erkundungen bei Badiou, Adorno, Zizek und anderen. Turia & Kant, Wien, Berlin.
Vogt, EM 2016, Europa: Politik der Gestalt und/oder Politik des Universalen? in G Unterthurner & E Vogt (eds), Bruchlinien Europas: philosophische Erkundungen bei Badiou, Adorno, Žižek und anderen . Turia & Kant, Wien - Berlin, pp. 10 - 44.
Vogt, EM 2016, The Useless Residue of the Western Idea of Art: Adorno and Lacoue-Labarthe Concerning Art After Auschwitz. in R Crawford & E Vogt (eds), Adorno and the Concept of Genocide. Brill, Amsterdam - Boston, pp. 29 - 45.
Vogt, EM 2015, Ästhetisch-politische Lektüren zum "Fall Wagner": Theodor W. Adorno - Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe - Slavoj Žižek - Alain Badiou. Turia & Kant, Wien - Berlin.
Vogt, EM 2015, The Saturation of Aesthetics and the Recommencement of Great Art. in L Bieszczad (ed.), Practising Aesthetics. Wydawnictwo Libron , Krakow, pp. 33 - 42.