Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Christian Windischberger, Privatdoz.
Winter term 2024
Winter term 2023
Vasileiadi, M, Tik, M, Kranz, G, Ruetgen, M, Princic, M, Vanicek, T, Pfabigan, DM, Hahn, A, Sladky, R, Lanzenberger, R, Lamm, C & Windischberger, C 2022, 'EMOTION PROCESSING TASK AS A NEW STRATEGY FOR LOCATING INDIVIDUALIZED TMS TARGETS', Psychiatria Danubina, vol. 34, pp. 27-27.
Rütgen, M, Wirth, E-M, Riecansky, I, Hummer, A, Windischberger, C, Petrovic, P, Silani, G & Lamm, C 2021, 'Beyond Sharing Unpleasant Affect—Evidence for Pain-Specific Opioidergic Modulation of Empathy for Pain', Cerebral Cortex, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 2773–2786.,
Geissberger, N, Tik, M, Sladky, R, Woletz, M, Schuler, AL, Willinger, D & Windischberger, C 2020, 'Reproducibility of amygdala activation in facial emotion processing at 7T', NeuroImage, vol. 211, 116585, pp. 1-12.
Schuler, A-L, Tik, M, Sladky, R, Luft, CDB, Hoffmann, A, Woletz, M, Zioga, I, Bhattacharya, J & Windischberger, C 2019, 'Modulations in resting state networks of subcortical structures linked to creativity', NeuroImage, vol. 195, pp. 311-319.
Woletz, M, Hoffmann, A, Tik, M, Sladky, R, Lanzenberger, R, Robinson, S & Windischberger, C 2019, 'Beware detrending: Optimal preprocessing pipeline for low-frequency fluctuation analysis', Human Brain Mapping, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 1571-1582.
Tik, M, Sladky, R, Luft, CDB, Willinger, D, Hoffmann, A, Banissy, MJ, Bhattacharya, J & Windischberger, C 2018, 'Ultra-high-field fMRI insights on insight: Neural correlates of the Aha!-moment', Human Brain Mapping, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 3241-3252.
Kranz, GS, Hahn, A, Kraus, C, Spies, M, Pichler, V, Jungwirth, J, Mitterhauser, M, Wadsak, W, Windischberger, C, Kasper, S & Lanzenberger, R 2018, 'Probing the association between serotonin-1A autoreceptor binding and amygdala reactivity in healthy volunteers', NeuroImage, vol. 171, pp. 1-5.
Sladky, R, Geissberger, N, Pfabigan, DM, Kraus, C, Tik, M, Woletz, M, Paul, K, Vanicek, T, Auer, B, Kranz, GS, Lamm, C, Lanzenberger, R & Windischberger, C 2018, 'Unsmoothed functional MRI of the human amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis during processing of emotional faces', NeuroImage, vol. 168, pp. 383-391.
Tik, M, Hoffmann, A, Sladky, R, Tomova, L, Hummer, A, Navarro de Lara, L, Bukowski, H, Pripfl, J, Biswal, B, Lamm, C & Windischberger, C 2017, 'Towards understanding rTMS mechanism of action: Stimulation of the DLPFC causes network-specific increase in functional connectivity', NeuroImage, vol. 162, pp. 289-296.
Minkova, L, Sladky, R, Kranz, GS, Woletz, M, Geissberger, N, Kraus, C, Lanzenberger, R & Windischberger, C 2017, 'Task-dependent modulation of amygdala connectivity in social anxiety disorder.', Psychiatry Research, vol. 262 , pp. 39-46.
Spies, M, Kraus, C, Geissberger, N, Auer, B, Klöbl, M, Tik, M, Störkat, IL, Hahn, A, Woletz, M, Pfabigan, DM, Kasper, S, Lamm, C, Windischberger, C & Lanzenberger, R 2017, 'Default mode network deactivation during emotion processing predicts early antidepressant response', Translational Psychiatry, vol. 7, no. 1, e1008.
Seiger, R, Hahn, A, Hummer, A, Kranz, GS, Ganger, S, Woletz, M, Kraus, C, Sladky, R, Kautzky, A, Kasper, S, Windischberger, C & Lanzenberger, R 2016, 'Subcortical gray matter changes in transgender subjects after long-term cross-sex hormone administration.', Psychoneuroendocrinology, vol. 74, pp. 371-379.
Tomova, L, Majdandzic, J, Hummer, A, Windischberger, C, Heinrichs, M & Lamm, C 2016, 'Increased neural responses to empathy for pain might explain how acute stress increases prosociality', Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 401–408.
Spies, M, Hahn, A, Kranz, GS, Sladky, R, Kaufmann, U, Hummer, A, Ganger, S, Kraus, C, Winkler, D, Seiger, R, Comasco, E, Windischberger, C, Kasper, S & Lanzenberger, R 2016, 'Gender transition affects neural correlates of empathy: A resting state functional connectivity study with ultra high-field 7T MR imaging.', NeuroImage, vol. 138, pp. 257-265.
Sladky, R, Stepniczka, I, Boland, E, Tik, M, Lamm, C, Hoffmann, A, Buch, JP, Niedermeier, D, Field, J & Windischberger, C 2016, 'Neurobiological differences in mental rotation and instrument interpretation in airline pilots', Scientific Reports, vol. 6, 28104.
Rütgen, M, Seidel, E-M, Silani, G, Riecansky, I, Hummer, A, Windischberger, C, Petrovic, P & Lamm, C 2015, 'Placebo analgesia and its opioidergic regulation suggest that empathy for pain is grounded in self pain', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), vol. 112, no. 41, pp. E5638-E5646.
Ganger, S, Hahn, A, Küblböck, M, Kranz, GS, Spies, M, Vanicek, T, Seiger, R, Sladky, R, Windischberger, C, Kasper, S & Lanzenberger, R 2015, 'Comparison of continuously acquired resting state and extracted analogues from active tasks', Human Brain Mapping, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 4053-4063.
Rauchbauer, B, Majdandzic, J, Hummer, A, Windischberger, C & Lamm, C 2015, 'Distinct neural processes are engaged in the modulation of mimicry by social group-membership and emotional expressions', Cortex: journal devoted to study of the nervous system and behavior, vol. 70, pp. 49-67.
Votinov, M, Pripfl, J, Windischberger, C, Moser, E, Sailer, U & Lamm, C 2015, 'A functional polymorphism in the prodynorphin gene affects cognitive flexibility and brain activation during reversal learning', Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience , vol. 9, no. July, 172, pp. 172.
Votinov, M, Pripfl, J, Windischberger, C, Sailer, U & Lamm, C 2015, 'Better you lose than I do: neural networks involved in winning and losing in a real time strictly competitive game', Scientific Reports, vol. 5, 11017.,