Amie Thomasson, "Starting a step back: Functional Pluralism and the Work of Metaphysics" - PACE/KiC Metaphilosophical Talk Series


The PACE and KiC Projects cordially invite you to the next talk of theMetaphilosophical Talk Series byAmie Thomasson, Dartmouth College

  • Title: Starting a step back: Functional Pluralism and the Work of Metaphysics
  • Date: March 27th, 2025 (Thursday)
  • Time: 16:45-18:15
  • Location: Hörsaal 50, Hauptgebäude (2.Stock, Stiege 8) -
  • Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien


Metaphysics traditionally answers questions such as "Are there properties, universals, numbers, composite artifacts, fictionalcharacters...?' '(If so), what are they like? How are they related to minds, physical objects, etc.? Does 'positing' these things add explanatory power to our theories?'... In this paper I will argue that we should begin our questioning back a step, and begin by asking: "How does talk of properties, numbers, ... enter language, and what functions does it serve?" For doing so (I will argue) enables us to reevaluate many classic metaphysical debates, to reassess prominent criteria used in metaphysics, and to redirect metaphysics to more fruitful pursuits.