APSE Lecture Series WiSe 2024/25: Laura Caponetto, accompanying Reading Cycle


NEW: accompanying Reading Cycle

in addition to the APSE talk by Laura Caponetto (University of Milan) "Refusing - and refusing to obey" we want to kindly invite you to our accompanying Reading Circle. It will take place right before the talk in the same room, so:

Thursday, 16.01.2025, 1-3 pm, HS 3A

We will focus our discussion on the text: Caponetto, L. (2023) "The pragmatic structure of refusal" Synthese 201:187.

As introduction to the field, we suggest: Green, M. (2020) . Speech acts. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Fall 2021 Edition). plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2021/entries/speech-acts/

For further reading regarding the topic:

Caponetto, L. (2017). On silencing, authority, and the act of refusal. Rivista di Estetica, 64, 35–52.

Langton, R. (2018b). Blocking as counter-speech. In D. Fogal, D.W. Harris, & M. Moss (Eds.), New work on speech acts (pp. 144–164). Oxford University Press.

Sbisà, M. (2019). Assertion among the speech acts. In S. C. Goldberg (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of assertion (pp. 158–178). Oxford University Press.

Please send a quick message to vinzenz.fischer@univie.ac.at if you are planning to attend!

Feel free to bring your lunch!