Joan Bertran-San-Millán (Universidade de Lisboa): "Peano and the birth of formal languages".
Upcoming events of the Logic Café:
- Mo, 20.11.2023, 16:45-18:15, Elio La Rosa (LMU Munich, University of Vienna): "From Carnap’s Definition of Theoretical Terms to the Definition of Contexts of Evaluation".
- Mo, 27.11.2023, 16:45-18:15, John Wigglesworth (University of York): "tba"
- Mo, 11.12.2023, 16:45-18:15, Nils-Eric Sahlin (Lund University), Robin Stenwall (Lund University), Fredrik Stjernberg (Linköping University): "Why facts mattered in 1927, and still do?“.
- Mo, 15.01.2024, 16:45-18:15, Moritz Bodner (Universität Wien): "A Sociologist dips into the Foundations of Mathematics: The Case of A.F. Bentley".
- Mo, 24.01.2024, 16:45-18:15, Daniel König (Universität Siegen): "tba"
Meetings in this semester will be held in person on Mondays, between 16:45 and 18:15. The meetings will be held in seminar room 3F (D0313, NIG; 3rd floor) at the Department of Philosophy, Universitätsstrasse 7.
Please see our website for further information on the Logic Café colloquium, for past events, and regular updates: https://logik-cafe.univie.ac.at