Talk: Chordaki: An epistemological urgency: the political need to reconstruct feminist epistemologies for new ways of knowing


We cordially invite you to the upcoming talk of Dr. Evangelia Chordaki, who holds a Ph.D. in Science Communication and Gender Studies. Chordaki will be speaking about reconstructing feminist epistemologies based on the Greek feminist birth control movement. The talk is organized by the APSE-Group. After the talk, we will go for dinner/drinks nearby – everyone welcome!
Please write an email to if you are planning to join us for dinner/drinks afterwards.

SPEAKER: Evangelia Chordaki, National Hellenic Research Foundation
DATE/TIME: 23.3., 15:00-17:00
PLACE: HS 2H, NIG, Universitätsstraße 7
TITLE: An epistemological urgency: the political need to reconstruct
feminist epistemologies for new ways of knowing


What counts as knowledge, and what kind of methodologies and theories should we develop in order to “see” different types of knowledge and expertise? In Science Studies, it is well established that the production, circulation, and formation of knowledge and expertise are phenomena that are co-produced with power relations, gender inequalities, hierarchies, and specific social, historical, political, economic, and ideological conditions. At the same time, the way that scholars “locate” in history specific types of knowledge and expertise and/or ignore or “miss” other types of knowledge and expertise has been discussed as an important issue that entails scholars’ active involvement in their research. However, there is a difficulty in overcoming this challenge on a theoretical and methodological level. Based on the Greek feminist birth control movement (1974-1986), my presentation will bring S. Ahmed’s theory within the framework of Science Studies and discuss the political importance of bringing feminist tools for the exploration of ways of knowing that “do not belong.”