Wittgen=steine: Anna Boncompagni


The "Wittgen=steine" series (organized by the Wittgenstein Research Group) features three talks this term:


  • 21.03.2025, 15.00-16.30h, HS 3D
    Anna Boncompagni: "Conceptual engineering or care? A new perspective inspired by Addams and Wittgenstein"
  • 16.05.2025, 15.00-16.30h, HS 3A
    Charles Travis: "Re-Turning The Linguistic Turn (Two Puzzles)"
  • 13.06.25, 15.00-16.30h, HS 3D
    Konstantin Deininger: "On the Material and Formal Aspects of (Moral) Certainty"