Get-together with our Ukrainian visiting fellows

May 27th

We are organising an afternoon for the four Ukrainian fellows (Larysa Karachevtseva, Olena Komar, Ilami Yasna and Liudmyla Zadorozhna) currently working at our department in which they will present their research.

The event will take place on May 27th (Friday) from 2.30pm-4.30pm in lecture hall 2H at the NIG.

We will also provide a hybrid format. Find the ZOOM link here:
We are looking forward to the following talks and presentations:

2.30 pm:
Larysa Karachevtseva: The Environmental Crisis as an Ethical and Existential Challenge of Nowadays

3 pm:
Olena Komar: Epistemological Grounds of Moral Decisions

3.30 pm:
Ilami Yasna: Philosophy in the Public Sphere as a Cultural Phenomenon

4 pm:
Liudmyla Zadorozhna: Historical and Philosophical Preconditions of the Discourse of Posthumanism