Cosmin Vraciu, PhD
Wintersemester 2024
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Vraciu, C 2023, 'Authority, Democracy, and Legal Interpretation', Law and Philosophy. <>
Vraciu, C 2023, 'Equality and democratic authority', Analysis, Jg. 83, Nr. 4. <>
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Wissen in der Krise / Knowledge in Crisis
Crane, T., Sliwa, P., Schmid, H. B., Kölbel, M., Werndl, C., Farkas, K., David, M., Means, J., Rasl, M., Kallhoff, A., Schnieder, B., Pinkert, F., Grimm, H., Coeckelbergh, M., Knuuttila, T., Peschl, F., Vraciu, C., Benli, A. E., Dal Conti Lampert, F., Greslehner, G. P., Harris, K. R., Dougherty, M., Tiisala, T., Kappes, Y. & Staykov, B.
1/10/23 → 30/09/28
Projekt: Forschungsförderung