Eva Liedauer, BA MA
T: +43-1-4277-46485
Wintersemester 2024
Wintersemester 2023
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Kallhoff, A & Liedauer, E 2024, Greentopia: Methods of Environmental Imagination in the Anthropocene. in Greentopia: Utopian Thought in the Anthropocene., 14, Springer International Publishing AG , The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Bd. 36, S. 229-249, Greentopia: Ideas, Concepts and Institutional Proposals, Vienna, Österreich, 11/10/19.

Kallhoff, A & Liedauer, E 2024, Introducing Greentopia: Content, Meaning and Framing of Utopian Explorations at the Human-Nature Interface. in A Kallhoff & E Liedauer (Hrsg.), Greentopia: Utopian Thought in the Anthropocene., 1, Springer International Publishing AG , The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Bd. 36, S. 1-13.

Kallhoff, A & Liedauer, E (Hrsg.) 2024, Greentopia: Utopian Thought in the Anthropocene. The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Bd. 36, Springer International Publishing AG , Cham.

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Institut für Philosophie

Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien
Zimmer: A0308

T: +43-1-4277-46485
