Soheil Human, BA MSc PhD
Wintersemester 2024
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Human, S, Neumann, G & Peschl, MF 2019, '[How] Can pluralist approaches to computational cognitive modeling of human needs and values save our democracies?', Intellectica, Jg. 70, Nr. 2019/1, S. 165-180. <>
Human, S, Bidabadi, G, Peschl, F-M & Savenkov, V 2018, An Enactive Theory of Need Satisfaction. in VC Müller (Hrsg.), Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2017. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE), Bd. 44, S. 40-42.
Human, S, Bidabadi, G & Savenkov, V 2018, Supporting Pluralism by Artificial Intelligence: Conceptualizing Epistemic Disagreements as Digital Artifacts. in VC Müller (Hrsg.), Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2017. Springer International Publishing AG , Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE), Bd. 44, S. 190-193.
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