Leah Jule Ritterfeld
Prä Doc
- Institut für Philosophie
Philosophy of emotions; moral psychology, resentment, Ressentiment, bitterness, embitterment, post-traumatic embitterment disorder, moral growth, resilience
Prä Doc
Institut für Philosophie
Universität WienÖsterreich
14 März 2022 → gegenwärtig
August 2025 (Forthcoming:) Organization of, and presentation at workshop “From Bit-terness to Disappointment and Back” at Vienna University, together with Prof. Dr. Hans Bernhard Schmid and Dr. Niels de Haan
August 2024 Presentation at World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (“Ressentiment Re-visited: An Investigation of Self-Poisoning as Exemplified by Incels and Conspiracy Theorists”)
June 2024 Invited guest lecture for Prof. Dr. Jean-Baptiste Pettier’s Moral Anthropol-ogy seminar, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen (“Lonely Lives, Isolated Minds”)
April 2024 Invited speaker for the Montessori Meetings at Radboud University, Nij-megen, NL (“Ressentiment Revisited: An Examination of the Incel Com-munity through the Lens of Ressentiment”)
April 2024 Presentation at Extremism and Subjectivity Workshop at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (“From Loneliness to Extremism: The Path of Ressentiment as Exemplified in the Incel Community”)
March 2024 Online presentation for The Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love (“Love-less Lives, Isolated Minds: An Examination of the Incel Community through the Lens of Love as an Epistemic Virtue”)
March 2024 Presentation at the Politicized Loneliness Workshop, Helsinki March 7-8 (“Lonely Lives, Isolated Minds: An Examination of the Incel Community through the Lens of Ressentiment”)
Jan 2024 Presentation at the International Love Studies Conference, Gran Canaria (“Love-less Lives, Isolated Minds: The Epistemic Fallout of Incels”)
Aug 2023 Presentation at the Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality Confer-ence, Stockholm (“Who Would Want to Be an Incel?”)
Aug 2022 Co-organization of the Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality Con-ference, Vienna
Dec 2021 Invited presentation (“How to Talk to Conspiracy Theorists”) for the Maria Montessori Meetings of the Radboud University Social Sciences Faculty, Nijmegen. https://www.ru.nl/fsw/vm-fsw/vm-montessori-meetings/montessori-meetings/montessori-meeting-speaker-leah-ritterfeld/
(Currently in review at the Journal of the Philosophy of Emotion: Book review on Cynthia Fleury’s ‘Here Lies Bitterness. Healing From Resentment’.)
Ritterfeld, L.J. (2024). Seductive Yet Destructive: An Attempt at Navigating the Complexi-ties and Pitfalls of Victimhood and Self-Victimization. dePICTions, 4. Retrievable at https://parisinstitute.org/seductive-yet-destructive/
Ritterfeld, L.J. (2021). Conspiracy Theories: Unwarranted Absurdities, Propaganda, or a Specific Way of Holding a Belief? A Critical Response to Quassim Cassam’s Ap-proach to Conspiracy Theories and a Proposal of Conceptually Distinguishing be-tween Conspiracy Theories, Theorists, and Theorizing. Retrievable at thesis re-pository of Radboud University: https://theses.ubn.ru.nl/server/api/core/bitstreams/e051b29d-ef9b-49f8-afbb-65533f4cc8e7/content
Ritterfeld, L.J. (2021). Is It Justified to Evaluate Female Genital Mutilation Categorically Different From Male Circumcision? An Examination of Inconsistency Based on Cul-tural Bias and Making Distinctions Between Religious and Cultural Practices. Splijtstof. Retrievable at https://www.splijtstof.com/archive/is-it-justified-to-evaluate-female-genital-mutilation-categorically-different-from-male-circumcision/
Ritterfeld, L. J. (2021). Ian Hacking’s Dynamic Nominalist Approach and What It Means For #MeToo, Splijtstof, 49 (2).
Ritterfeld, L. J. (2017). Gendered Products, Raffia. Retrievable at from https://raffia-magazine.com/2017/12/01/gendered-products/
Oct. 2024-Jan. 2025 Lecturer for updated seminar ("Resentment, Ressentiment, Resilience") at the University of Vienna.
March-June 2024 Lecturer for seminar ("Resentment, Ressentiment, Resili-ence") at the University of Vienna.
Oct. 2023-Feb. 2024 Lecturer for course "Introduction to Academic Writing in Philosophy" at the University of Vienna
Oct. 2021-March 2022 Teaching assistant for: Psychological Ethics, Radboud University Nijmegen (in English and Dutch)
Oct. 2020-Jan. 2021 Student teaching assistant for Ethics for Psychologists, Radboud University Nijmegen (in English)
Nov. 2019-Feb. 2020 Student teaching assistant for Ethics for Psychologists, Radboud University Nijmegen (in English und Dutch)
Nov. 2018-Feb. 2019 Student teaching assistant for Ethics for Psychologists, Radboud University Nijmegen (in English)
Sep. 2018-Feb. 2019 Student teaching assistant for Statistics 2, Radboud Uni-versity Nijmegen (in English)
Jan.-March 2018 Student teaching assistant for Psychometrics and Deci-sion-Making, Radboud University Nijmegen (in English)
Oct. 2017-Feb. 2018 Student teaching assistant for Statistics 2, Radboud Uni-versity Nijmegen (in English)
April-June 2016 Internship at Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nij-megen, research group Dr. Judith Holler
January 2025(Forthcoming:) Part of video series (“Presenting early stage re-searchers”) for University of Vienna
Feb.-Aug 2024Co-development of collaboration (for podcast) “Ontologies of Love” with Dr. Jessica Symons and Katherine Elizabeth Joseph
Feb. 2024Invited speaker for Eurozine’s talkshow (Standard Time) episode “The Ways of Love”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Sep. 2023 Contributed as an expert interviewee for the student documentary "OVERTUIGD" on conspiracy theories, produced by Pieter van Lelyveld, Olivier Braams, and Olivier van Rooijen of Stedelijk Gym-nasium Haarlem. https://youtu.be/w57iffzAuNc?si=Qdjef85HOXIH0Qcx
March 2023Invited for a discussion on conspiracy theories by Floortje Appel for a TV broadcast project, "upd8," at Hogeschool Utrecht. En-gaged online conversation and consultation on the topic, including the reasons people believe in conspiracy theories and the potential dangers of such beliefs.
Nov. 2022 Consulted by Eva de Breed, director and researcher, for the tele-vision program "Dwarsdenkers" on NPO2. The program explores the origins and trajectories of radical beliefs and extremism, featur-ing interviews with individuals who have moved beyond their once radical ideologies. Contributed expertise on the topic of conspiracy theories and extreme beliefs.
March 2022Cited and thesis discussed in the article "Waarom de com-plotdenker altijd gelijk heeft" by Rieks op den Akker. Engaged in a detailed correspondence and debate with the author. http://rieksopdenakker.nl/index.php/2022/03/06/hoe-groot-is-de-kans-dat-de-complotdenker-gelijk-heeft/
Feb. 2022Interviewed by Lodewijk Dros for the Dutch newspaper "Trouw" on the topic of conspiracy theories. The article was titled "Com-plotdenkers vatten tegenbewijs op als een poging om de samenzwering geheim te houden." https://www.trouw.nl/religie-filosofie/complotdenkers-vatten-tegenbewijs-op-als-een-poging-om-de-samenzwering-geheim-te-houden~b082fe59/
Presentation at World Congress of Philosophy, Rome (“Ressentiment Revisited: An Investigation of Self-Poisoning as Exemplified by Incels and Conspiracy Theorists”)
Leah Jule Ritterfeld (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Invited guest lecture for Prof. Dr. Jean-Baptiste Pettier’s Moral Anthropology seminar, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen (“Lonely Lives, Isolated Minds”)
Leah Jule Ritterfeld (Invited speaker)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Invited speaker for the Montessori Meetings at Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL (“Ressentiment Revisited: An Examination of the Incel Community through the Lens of Ressentiment”)
Leah Jule Ritterfeld (Invited speaker)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Presentation at Extremism and Subjectivity Workshop at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (“From Loneliness to Extremism: The Path of Ressentiment as Exemplified in the Incel Community”)
Leah Jule Ritterfeld (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Online presentation for The Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love (“Love-less Lives, Isolated Minds: An Examination of the Incel Community through the Lens of Love as an Epistemic Virtue”)
Leah Jule Ritterfeld (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Public
Presentation at the Politicized Loneliness Workshop, Helsinki March 7-8 (“Lonely Lives, Isolated Minds: An Examination of the Incel Community through the Lens of Ressentiment”)
Leah Jule Ritterfeld (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Presentation at the International Love Studies Conference, Gran Canaria (“Love-less Lives, Isolated Minds: The Epistemic Fallout of Incels”)
Leah Jule Ritterfeld (Vortragende*r)
Aktivität: Vorträge › Vortrag › Science to Science
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG)
1010 Wien
Zimmer: A0302